Is your CLOUD safe?

The benefits of cloud technology are significant, and as modern tech rapidly changes, most businesses now implement a fully cloud based infrastructure, or at the least a combination cloud-server infrastructure.

But has the move to cloud technology increased the risk of Cyber Threat for your business?

“While organisations have been embracing cloud technologies for well over a decade, security strategies are still mired in the past. Detection, defensive and response plans have not kept pace with new attack methods and tools used by today’s threat actors.  .” ITNews September 20, 2023.

Businesses who implement a fully cloud based business system CAN maintain a minimal risk environment by ensuring their IT company offers a comprehensive, layered cloud security environment, as well as continuous client education in cyber threats and safety.

Every organization should run an auditing and testing process whether they are using outside security or in house security. These tests are conducted to determine whether existing cloud security efforts are enough to protect data and applications.

At MLOGIC we provide and manage a comprehensive, layered security system for our clients, providing sophisticated threat protection, and a prevention- first model. To find out more about our layered security model see MLogic Smart Cloud Security

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