Is working from home compromising your IT security?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced remote work to become a necessity instead of a luxury for many businesses.

But, does this working environment compromise the security of your IT systems?

A remote workforce comes with a myriad of risks, as employees rely on their home networks – and sometimes their own devices – to complete work tasks.

This new way of working raises many questions around security .

Do all of your staff members have access to a home device with adequate security?

Do all staff members use a secure VPN to access data?

Are your business apps and data in the cloud? If so, do you have 2FA enabled?

To find out more click here to read about MLOGIC’S 8 essential layers of IT security.

These same layers apply in a Work from Home scenario and should not be relaxed at any time.

MLogic IGNITE will identify any weaknesses in your IT systems and we will make recommendations on how to remove those weaknesses. This will apply to both in office working scenario and working from home scenario.

The Australian Government Essential 8 is an excellent resource to find out further information on IT systems security for business. Click here to read.

Contact MLogic to arrange a security audit of your IT systems.



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