Our Services

Our suite of business IT support services spans from auditing and planning through to implementation and maintenance to keep you online and efficient.

Our services

M-Shield Cybersecurity

Our M-Shield cybersecurity offering brings certainty to an increasingly precarious digital world. Our technicians proactively audit existing systems to identify vulnerabilities before they impact your operations. From 24/7 active monitoring to training of your staff, M Logic takes a multi-layered approach to secure your business.

M-Vision (vCIO)

Our M-Vision process reimagines what a virtual chief information officer (vCIO) can be with a comprehensive process: Audit, Consult, Implement and Support. Through detailed reporting, M-Vision evaluates your current IT infrastructure and forecasts your needs as your business grows.

M-Cloud Services

M-Cloud is our forward thinking suite of cloud services. With experience in servicing small to medium businesses, our team can implement and optimise your infrastructure to support collaboration and communication across your team. M-Cloud prioritises efficiency and accessibility while maintaining industry-leading security.

Managed Services (MSP) for Healthcare

We provide specialised managed IT support tailored for medical specialists and practices. Our experience in the healthcare sector, cybersecurity and cloud infrastructure ensures the seamless and secure operation of your practice with compliance to relevant privacy law.

Managed Services (MSP) for Law Firms

As an accredited provider of legal practice management software LEAP, M Logic is experienced and trained in supporting law firms across the Illawarra, Sydney and the Southern Highlands. Pairing our expert managed IT support with industry-leading cybersecurity practices and software, we are the MSP of choice for forward-thinking law firms.

M-Voice Cloud Phone Systems

Experience the future of communications with our advanced yet intuitive telephony services. Centred around the latest voice over IP (VoIP) technology, our solutions offer clear, reliable and cost-effective communications to connect your people.

Hardware & Software

We partner with some of the best in hardware and software to supply your full suite of technology across devices, network, Microsoft365, LEAP and more. Our service is end-to-end with support from procurement and installation through to maintenance, and after sales care.

Free M-Vision Audit

Identify the cracks in your IT armour before they stop your business in its tracks! M-Vision Auditing dives deep into your IT infrastructure to evaluate your systems and processes, and forecast issues and bottlenecks before they become critical errors.

Dynamic, Future Friendly IT Services

Our suite of business IT support services spans from auditing and planning through to implementation and maintenance. Although technical by definition, our services are designed to connect people and keep things simple. Our services support people to collaborate, communicate and increase efficiency whether they work in: law, healthcare, finance, or other professional services industries.

Check out these incredible numbers

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Client Retention
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